I haven't been doing a lot lately with regards making art. I've had a few ideas for new paintings that I've composed in sketch form, but I haven't got around to getting started on anything yet. I have had a few Ideas for animation shorts which I will probably work on in the next few months. Having tried a bit of 3D modelling and animating before - mostly using 3ds max - I have since began learning to work in Blender (because it's free). It seems that most modelling software packages can only be rented now, which is fine for a profit making company, but its a bit expensive if your not earning from its use. There are some student versions of these software packages - which is good for learning them - but they have limited functions and cannot be used in a commercial application. So my reasoning, for switching to Blender, is that freelance video/animation producers may start using Blender more and consequently require the services of skilled Blender artists.
Luckily a lot of the modelling techniques are similar across all the software packages so having had some experience is an advantage. In fact only having a small amount of previous experience may be better than being skilled in another program as there is probably less confusion when trying to transfer over. So far I have only done a little polygonal modelling and trying out materials etc. I'm staying clear of line modelling for now as I want to try and create a few environments to begin with. I have done a bit of animating on the 'suzanne' base mesh (a monkey-head) that comes with the package. I was just experimenting and used shape tweens to create mouth movements for vowels,